We offer both the PCR swab and the IgG antibody test.
For more information or for bookings, please email info@dottorelondon.com
Dottore London is also on the Governments list of accredited providers: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/954587/covid-private-testing-providers-general-testing-210121.csv/preview
A PCR test looks for the presence of the RNA of the virus itself. This means that it will pick up the presence of the actual virus in the nose and throat. It is very accurate and will be able to confirm whether anyone with symptoms is actively infected with the virus. It will also pick up whether the virus is present for people who have been exposed but are not showing any symptoms as yet.
The IgG antibody test confirms whether an individual has ever been exposed to the virus and generated an immune response. The test we offer has been approved by the MHRA.
Dottore London offers both tests through The Doctors Laboratory. The PCR swab kit will be delivered to your home via post. Upon arrival at the lab, you can expect results in 48 hours. If you have not had any Covid-19 symptoms and are not under isolation and have not come into contact with anyone tested positive within the last 14 days, you can also come to the clinic in person to collect your test. You can then post it or deliver it in person to TDL Laboratory. The results of the test will be received within 48h after your handing in the sample at TDL laboratory. Alternatively, if you have not had any Covid-19 symptoms, you can also have the test done at our clinic if you pre-book your appointment for this service. The results will be received within 48 hours.
For the IgG test patients need to come to our clinic where a nurse will draw a blood sample.